Medical Marijuana: Benefits and Side Effects
What is medical marijuana used for? Studies report that medical cannabis might help some conditions. Which conditions medical marijuana can treat varies by state. If you’re thinking of marijuana for medical use, check your state’s laws. Whether you can get medical marijuana to treat a condition you have depends on the state. Conditions some states …
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Medical Cannabis Dosage Recommendations
Update by Dr. Orlando Florete, President of AMMPA, Medical Director of Knox Medical, January 29, 2017 As we move forward utilizing medical cannabis as an alternative treatment option, many of our members have expressed deep frustrations with the current 8-hour CME and its lack of dosing guidance. Furthermore, members have come forward with questions as …
Botox – Not Just For Wrinkle Removal…FDA Approves It For Migraine Treatment
Dr. Craig Amshel, M.D. of Absolute Surgical Specialists, is happy to spread the word about FDA approval of Botox for the treatment of migraine headaches. Botox isn’t just about looking better, it’s about feeling better, and to those that get migraines, feeling better is paramount. Dr. Amshel looks forward to helping people improve their lives …
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Hemorrhoids – Treatment Options
Medications can help relieve symptoms associated with hemorrhoids. Ointments which protect the skin like zinc oxide can prevent injury and reduce itching by forming a barrier over the hemorrhoids. Suppositories used for 7 – 10 days soothes irritation and lubricates the anal canal during bowel movements. Some of these products contain chemicals that can harm …
Well, at least I can help you with
Talking about private health issues is part of going to the doctor. Some health concerns, however, feel a lot more personal than others. But whether it’s a sexual problem, hidden rash or body odor, or a debilitating emotional issue, don’t let embarrassment keep you from seeking relief. Here, in no particular order, are 10 sensitive …